Garlic tea is the result of this combination. This is made by boiling chopped garlic, then adding some lemon juice and honey to it. Garlic, an aromatic herb, has been used for hundreds of years. It contains organosulfur compounds, including alliinase. They are well-known for their multiple health benefits.
Citrus fruits include lemons. They can be found in the same family as oranges, grapes, and lime. These fruits contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are also known to have healing properties for mild conditions.
Honey is well-known for its ability to treat respiratory problems and other conditions such as insomnia.
These natural foods can be combined and eaten together. According to, there are several health benefits that consumers can enjoy.
1. Healthy liver
Garlic is rich in 2 nutrients, allicin, and selenium. These are healthy for the liver.
2. Clears nasal congestion
The Harmattan period, which we are currently experiencing, often causes nasal congestion and colds. Garlic tea can be a great way to avoid most of these symptoms.
3. Can help reduce aging speed
This tea contains antioxidants that fight the formation of free radicals, which can lead to aging. They also keep the skin looking young.
- 3 cups water (reverse osmosis)
- 3 -6 garlic cloves, halved and sprout removed
- 1⁄2 cup honey (dark, local)
- 1⁄2 cup fresh lemon juice (buy 2-3 lemons)
- Put water in a medium saucepan and add garlic.
- Bring to a boil.
- Turn off heat and add honey and lemon juice.
- Sip 1/2 cup, three times per day.
- Refrigerate leftover beverages.