Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that’s made from the nuts of the shea tree. It has been used for thousands of years as a cosmetic ingredient and it can be found in many skincare products, including those that are formulated for dry skin. While some say it’s best for dry skin, others claim that shea butter is great for all skin types.
No doubt, shea butter has many health benefits that make it highly recommended in our homes today. It is extracted from shea tree nuts. And due to its high concentrations of fatty acids and vitamins, shea butter is an ideal cosmetic ingredient for softening skin.
Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory and healing properties so using shea butter on your body, especially the face, can condition, tone, as well as soothe the skin. According to Healthline, below are some benefits of shea butter when you apply them to your face regularly.
1. It can help to moisturize the skin
Using and applying shea butter oil on your skin can help to make it smooth and soft. This is because it can soak into your skin and soft barrier that seals in moisture. Amazingly, its moisturizing effect can last for hours.
2. It can help to prevent or reduce aging.
Studies indicate that shea butter has also been reported to have anti-aging properties means it can help prevent the fast aging process. It is related to promoting collagen production or decreasing the breakdown of collagen that’s already present.
3. Anti-inflammatory and healing properties
Another powerful factor using shear butter frequently can help is in the healing process. Studies have shown that shea butter has extensive anti-inflammatory properties. So, redness and swelling on your face can be reduced by applying shea butter products.
Aside from the wonderful health benefits of shea butter to the skin, it may have some side effects. And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, shea butter can clog your pores and cause acne. Especially for those who have acne-prone skin so you must watch your face regularly.
Here are several ways you can apply shea butter to your face.
You can apply shea butter directly to your face before going to bed. This is because applying the cream as part of your skincare routine in the morning might take some getting used to. Also, the fatty acids and oils in shea butter may make applying makeup on top of it tough.
Moving forward, you can also make a facial mask using shea butter and several other ingredients. Wash your face first with a cream cleanser or warm water. Lastly, be careful with these facial masks as they may promote acne if you are prone to it.
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